Aaron Mendelson
Los Angeles CA
Performance Resume
Aaron Mendelson
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Grey-Blue

Muted Voices Supporting Froylan Cabuto
Secret of Light Supporting Vahram Hakobian
The List Supporting George Moise
Power Poison Supporting Vahram Hakobian
Out Supporting George Moise
Layla Supporting Lydia Martinelli
The Stalker Within Supporting Arlene Grant
Battle for the Serpent Stone Lead Sean R. Olson Training
Santos 3000 Supporting M. Greenlee (Prod) Improv: Larry Drake
Fifty Year Reunion Lead Bobby Boermans Scenes: The Actor's Gym
Are You Serious? Supporting Rick Walls Audition Tech.: Tim Phillips
I'm Not Cooking Tonight Supporting Takaya Yamazaki Shakespeare: Nan Martin
The Mutual Beat Lead Takaya Yamazaki Meisner: The Actor's Inst.
New York Theater
Tai Chi Chuan (Yang Style 108)
Tae Kwon Do
Dance: Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Afrocentric, Hip-Hop
Afro-percussion: Djembe/Conga
Voice: Baritone
The Wayward Hobo Joe Circle in the Square Asiad Lead Drummer La MaMa Annex
Capitol Cakewalk Senator Fall AMAS Theater
La Galue Valentin River Arts Rep, NY
How Long Can They Last? Ensemble Dance Space Theater
ESL Teacher Training, Levels I and II, UCLA
BA Drama, Dartmouth College
African Studies Center, Boston University
Harvard University Summer School Scholarship
Los Angeles Theater
Watson... Harry Houdini Carnival Barker Sacred Fools Theater
Live! From the Last Night... Circle K worker Sacred Fools Theater
Course Acting Theater Villager Sacred Fools Theater
Hauntings Weird Sister Shakespeare Center LA
Twelfth Night Sea Captain A Noise Within
Julius Caesar Marc Antony Quantum Theater
Romeo & Juliet Tybalt East LA Classic Theater
Twelve Angry Men Juror #5 New Mercury Theater